“Well, I Think I’m Allergic to Bananas”

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My family is incredibly accident prone. Broken bones, surgeries, and partial amputations are just a few of the incidents that have taken place. I am the least accident prone and even I cracked my head open falling off of a waterski pyramid. So having my own family has been a refreshing change from hospital visits. Until last Friday, that is.

Coming from an accident prone family, it's been weird to not deal with any injuries since getting married. Until now, that is. quirkyandthenerd.com
Here it is a week later. There was no way I was taking a picture when it happened.


After coming home from work, Andrew started supper. We were supposed to have some burgers (and veggie burgers) on the grill along with some grilled veggies. Andrew got out the mandoline slicer and started to slice a zucchini into thin slices. Usually the slicer is an easy and fast way to get things chopped for a quick dinner. Mac was in the learning tower and I was blogging when I heard Andrew swear and rush over to the sink.

As it turns out, he had not used the safety guard and sliced the tip of his finger almost completely off, right through the fingernail. Just a note for anyone who now doesn’t want to try a mandoline slicer, it is safe as long as you use the safety guard! As someone who typically panics in an emergency, Andrew did pretty well at staying calm.

Now, as all accidents tend to happen, this one happened at the worst time. Mac was wearing only a diaper and was starving and I was trying to finish up a blog post. Andrew had managed to keep the blood pretty contained, except for the paper towel roll which was full of blood (that I ended up getting annoyed about because sometimes we are all a bit petty.)

Anyways, I convinced Andrew to sit down and put his arm above his head while applying pressure to try to stop the bleeding. He wanted to go to the ER immediately, but I convinced him to wait at least a bit to see how bad it was and if we could get the bleeding to stop.

In the mean time, I decided to get Mac a quick dinner. I put Mac back into her learning tower and looked in the fridge for some food. We had 2 slices of leftover pizza, so I popped one in the microwave. Andrew wanted me to look at his wound so we could determine if the bleeding was stopping.

As I walked away, Mac grabbed the other slice of cold pizza and started chowing down. The girl is self-sufficient; I think she will go far in life. Anyways, I let her nibble on it while I tended to Andrew. The bleeding seemed to be slowing down, but we were still thinking we should maybe go in.

Now Ralph is an opportunist and Mac is a sucker for her puppy. So as I am tending to the patient, she drops the entire piece of pizza into Ralph’s waiting mouth. I am okay if Ralph gets bits and pieces of what Mac is having for dinner. But a whole piece of pizza is not the same. I had enough on my plate already, I didn’t want to add a vomiting dog to the list. I lunged across the kitchen and grabbed it out of his mouth. Mac thought that was pretty funny.

I put Mac in her high chair and started to give her some more pizza. As she started to eat, my parents decided it would be a great time to FaceTime with us. Of course, I answered.

Coming from an accident prone family, it's been weird to not deal with any injuries since getting married. Until now, that is. quirkyandthenerd.com

Like I said, accidents are commonplace in my family. My mom and dad didn’t think it was weird at all to FaceTime while we decided whether to go to the hospital or not. After some chit-chat, they did say good-bye so we could pack up and go to the hospital. Andrew packed the diaper bag while I helped Mac put some pants on.

The rest of the story is pretty bland: waiting room, doctors, nurses, more waiting, watching TV, etc. But my one favorite thing is that while I parked the car, Andrew went into the triage room where they asked him about allergies. So without thinking, Andrew launched into his typical story about how he isn’t allergic to bananas, but that after eating them, his throat feels a little scratchy. Now, I think the nurse was able to keep a straight face, because that explanation bought him a nice bracelet that simply said “Bananas.”

Coming from an accident prone family, it's been weird to not deal with any injuries since getting married. Until now, that is. quirkyandthenerd.com

So after this whole incident, Andrew didn’t get stitches or glue, but strict instructions to pay attention to the wound and make sure it wasn’t getting infected. And that was our first family ER trip.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. That means if you buy through my link, I may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. For more information, see my disclosure page here.


  1. Paring Down the Pantry: Eating What We Have - Quirky and the Nerd | 27th May 16

    […] Andrew to the ER last week after he almost sliced the tip of his finger clean off (read about that here). While we wait for that bill to come through, I’m tightening the belt to get some pennies […]

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