Our Garden Is Growing

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From the beginning of this gardening adventure, I have been excited, but I have kept a little place in the back of my mind that says we might get absolutely no produce out of straw bale gardening. So imagine my surprise when not only do we have pots upon pots of plants on our deck, but we also had a few things growing out of our straw bale garden.

If you want to read about straw bale gardening, I highly recommend “Straw Bale Gardens Complete” by Joel Karsten. It is very informative with amazing picture.

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

So this is what our deck looked like before we transplanted some of it:

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

Actually our deck still looks kind of like that because we just planted more in the pots we took plants out of. We have officially caught the gardening bug. Or at least Andrew has. I have caught it more as a second-hand sickness type of deal.

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

So here is the wagon all loaded up with supplies for planting. Except Andrew was the only one who got to garden that day because here is what Mac and I were doing.

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

Yup, makeup-free me was at home cuddling a feverish baby. I really wanted to be able to garden with Mac, but the tomato plants were quickly outgrowing their tiny containers and there was no way I was taking the sick baby out there. In fact, her sickness cancelled every fun thing we had planned Sunday-Tuesday. Oh well.

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

This is what it looked like when Andrew got there. Pretty sad, but considering we weren’t even sure we planted them correctly and because we planted them pretty early, I’m okay with it. I’m pretty sure that patch on the right side are cabbage and the sprouts on the left might be peas. I guess we will see.

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

Andrew planted these two tomato plants. They were already growing like crazy on our deck, so we have our fingers crossed that they will continue to thrive!

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

Here is a nice close up of one of our beloved tomato plants. Isn’t it beautiful!

Straw bale gardening is going well. Click to see the update and what is actually growing. quirkyandthenerd.com

Here is one last shot of our bales. We decided to focus more on starting seedlings at home on the deck and then transplanting. It seemed like a better way to make sure the seeds were going to actually sprout. And Andrew should have a good idea about it; he was the one that read the book cover to cover.

Has anyone else though about a straw bale garden? Has anyone had any success?

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. That means if you buy through my link, I may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. For more information, see my disclosure page here.


  1. Exciting Update on Our Straw Bale Gardening - Quirky and the Nerd | 29th Jun 16

    […] on an exciting adventure in straw bale gardening. (If you want to catch up, read part one and part two.) Going into this, we figured that if we grew anything, it would be exciting. Neither of us has […]

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