Four Simple Ways Toddlers Can Help Clean Up

Toddlers can help clean. I know it seems unlikely, but toddlers love to clean! At first, they won’t exactly be helpful, but it will be good in the long run. Not only are you teaching them how to help out around the house, but you are also getting a little extra help around the house. Win-win for everyone!

There are a few things to keep in mind. It will take extra time. It won’t actually be clean when they are done. If the toddler hasn’t gone through the sensitive period for order, they may not exactly understand the process of cleaning for a while. It may be frustrating. But toddlers will love feeling included and helpful. And the more they feel that way, the more motivated they will be to continue helping you out. So here is a list of four simple ways toddlers can help clean.


Mac loves to take a wet washcloth and wipe down surfaces in our house, like bookshelves, the coffee table, or her own little table. Sometimes I will direct her to another place, which also helps her learn how to listen and follow directions. She has her own spray bottle of water, but isn’t quite able work it yet. So for now I will spray the table and she wipes it up.

helping clean

Loading the Dishwasher

This is something that might take some patience, especially if you are like me and you load the dishwasher in a very specific way. But toddlers are more than capable of putting silverware in the slots or putting a bowl or plate in the rack. And pro tip, it is totally fine if you rearrange it later. They won’t even notice.

dishwasher helping clean

Carrying Things For You

Mac loves to carry things for me. So if I am going to the kitchen, I might have her carry my dirty plate or the salad dressing to put away. Not only is it helpful for me, but she also feels included. Sometimes she might take a bite. Collateral damage.

helping carrying stuff

Folding Laundry

Obviously toddlers can’t fold laundry. But they could put socks in a pile or, with some coaching, they could fold something simple like washcloths. They could also help get clothes out of the dryer and into the basket. Or vice-versa and put dirty laundry in the basket to be washed.

What other chores does your toddler help with around the house?


  1. Reminder: A Toddler Helping You Isn't Helpful - Quirky and the Nerd | 28th Apr 16

    […] After having Mac help me with some household chores the last few days, I just wanted to quickly remind everyone that a toddler helping you isn’t helpful. What I mean is that asking a toddler to help you do a chore isn’t going to speed it along and get the job done. You have a toddler help for three reasons: future practice, interest and getting things done. If you need a few ideas, read my post about Four Simple Ways Toddlers Can Help Clean Up. […]

  2. Toys: What Does a Montessori Kid Play With? - Quirky and the Nerd | 3rd May 16

    […] with Mac around the house. I have even written about some of the chores she does around the house here and here. They aren’t things that I put on her shelf but she does them along with me, like […]

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