4 Years of Wedded Bliss

Today is my wedding anniversary. I can hardly believe it, but Andrew and I have been married for 4 years now. In that time we have bought a house, a dog, and had a baby. It is amazing how times flies.

We got married on June 30, 2012 at the Minnesota Zoo. It was honestly the coolest place ever to get married. And I know everyone considers their wedding the best, but mine was super cool. One of the coolest things is that every year we go back and visit the zoo around the time of our anniversary. This year, we were able to bring Mac and she had a great time!

selfie at the zoo anniversary

That canopy behind Mac’s head is where we actually held our ceremony.

(Prepare yourself, this is a picture heavy post, but I promise they are worth it! Robin One Photography took awesome pictures.)

We were also able to take a great picture that mirrored one we took at our wedding.

anniversary zoo mac aquarium

anniversary wedding aquarium

Our wedding day was perfect. As with most days before and in the 4 years after, it was filled with fun, laughs, and love.

anniversary laughing

I absolutely love this picture. We really do have so much fun together. And I love it despite the fact that my horse teeth are showing. (That is what I call it when I’m smiling super wide and my top teeth stick way out.) Still one of my favorite pictures though!

anniversary hot day

Our wedding was on one of the hottest day of the summer of 2012. This was how I hung out most of the day: with all of my different skirt layers hiked up over my knees.

anniversary wedding party

This is my favorite picture of our wedding party. Everyone’s personality shines through in their pose.

anniversary zoo wedding party

The zoo was an amazing backdrop for pictures.

anniversary ice cream

Remember how I mentioned it was ungodly hot? Yeah, this is my sister feeding me ice cream before the ceremony. That man in the blue shirt is definitely judging me.

anniversary writing vows

Right before the ceremony, we realized no one had printed out the actual vows. So here I am five minutes before the ceremony, squatting down in an aquarium to write them on a wrinkled sheet of paper using a shoe box lid as a desk. Getting married is really glamorous.

anniversary down the aisle

Here are my parents walking me down the aisle. My mom and I are cracking up because we just walked my mom through an overhanging bush. Oops!

anniversary dance floor collage

And then the dancing began! The dance floor was hopping all night long. The top picture is from when one of my aunts requested the song “We are Family” and every single member of my extended family boogied down. We had to let Andrew know exactly what it meant to be a part of the Tuohy family.

anniversary sister dance

We definitely aren’t sisters.

anniversary dad smile

There aren’t a lot of pictures of my dad genuinely happy. He either does a weird fake smile or looks super serious. I love this picture because he had such a great time that day!

anniversary resting

I believe every bride needs to be able to chill out and relax on her wedding day.

anniversary sibling dance

This is my favorite picture of my siblings and I. When we get together, this is what you have to deal with in a nutshell. Crazy, weirdo energy.

anniversary first dance

This is out of order, but I wanted the last picture to be one of Andrew and I. Here is our first dance, which was totally untraditional. We danced to Weezer’s I Want You To while we sang it to each other. (Click the link to hear the song. Still one of my favorites!)

Four years together and a bunch more to go. Andrew is stuck with me, for better or worse!