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Daily Archives: October 2, 2017

What to Do When Your Kid Has a Potty Mouth

The other night, Andrew was putting Mac to bed. He came into our room laughing and said

“She won’t stop calling me poop. I told her I liked it when she said nice things to me, like ‘I love you.’ So then she looked me straight in the eye and said, ‘I love you poop.'”

We definitely had a good laugh about it since she wasn’t around, but it made me realize I had to deal with the potty mouth already.

I work with 3-6 year olds. If I had to use one word to describe their sense of humor, it would be “bathroom.” Any sort of bathroom word can spur an entire lunch table to giggles. It doesn’t even have to be a joke. Simply saying “poop” or “fart” is enough for them to lose control. So what do you do about it? Well, there is one trick I’ve learned from co-workers that might not totally stop it, but certainly slows it down.

Bathroom humor. It is a stage all children will go through.  But how do you get them to stop? Well, here is one tip I picked up that may not stop potty mouth completely, but will help it happen less!